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Logo Design

1. Discuss what you thought about creating your logo.
I'm not an artistic person so this was not only a frustrating process it was also very difficult because I had to force myself to be creative and find something that's significant to me. 
2. Describe the process: creative thinking skills and ideas you used in the logo creation.
At first I thought it was supposed to be a logo of my name so it was hard to figure out an object that represented me and it fit all 8 letters of my name. I settled with doing my nickname which I got in my sophomore year of high school. It's "Jelly" and I got it because I had an art teacher who refused to pronounce my name correctly after my correcting him multiple times. He used to call me "Najelly" and my friends decided it was a good nickname. After I chose that name I was originally going to make it in the shape of a jam bottle but it was hard to design in so I did it in a gel shape.
3. What was the most important discovery you made in the creation of your logo?
The most important discovery I made in creating my logo is that I'm not the best artist but I do have patience to keep trying to improve.
4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos, powerpoint, and reading material  for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?
The most important discovery I made was that you have to dig deep to find inspiration but once you find it it becomes easier. 


  1. I like the logo you drew! I enjoy seeing the progression from start to finish. The colors used for the final one are great!


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